Sunday, January 20, 2013

Day 20 - Birds of a feather?

In our quest to pay off our mortgage, I have been poking around the Internet looking for other blogging people who are trying to accomplish the same, or similar objectives. Really, I haven't found many. I find this very odd. Certainly we can't be the only ones? Or one of the few?

I've seen many blogs written by people (mostly women) who are living "frugally". This usually entails making your own beauty products, stretching your grocery dollars, living a sustainable lifestyle and various other DIY topics. Generally speaking, we already do a lot of these things. Perhaps it's a byproduct of our upbringing (poor), or the fact that we're Midwesterners. From what I understand, Midwesterners are some crafty folks. What am I missing here? Am I not typing the correct key words into the Google box?

I fancy myself a trailblazer, but this is ridiculous. I cannot fathom that I am one of the first 10 people who have decided to make this commitment to financial "freedom" and have also decided to blog about the journey.

Maybe I am a pioneer!

If you're better at Internet searching than I am, or happen to know of some great like-minded blogs out there, clue me in. I'd like to see what others are doing, what is and isn't working for them.

I certainly don't need the notoriety or press of being the first person to bring this topic to light. I don't need to be flown in to appear on the "Today Show" to enlighten all of humanity about my epic lifestyle of not spending money. I simply couldn't do it, I haven't colored my hair since July!

1 comment:

  1. finally pay off your mortgage blog

    finish mortgage pay blog

    These two searches got different decent results. You're right though. Even with the correct tag words and key words there aren't many results. People just aren't blogging about this often.
