Sunday, January 13, 2013

Day 13 - Apple Cake

On Friday afternoon I was looking down the barrel of the weekend. I was starting to become concerned that we would just be sitting around all weekend, not doing anything. Certainly not spending any money and probably going crazy.

I needed a plan.

In fact, I will say that "having a plan" is probably the biggest change that I have made so far in this experiment. You see, I am the epitome of a "fly by the seat of your pants" girl. I think most people who know me would agree with that. I am so bad at planning that a few summers ago we went on a family vacation to South Dakota, my husband, I and our three kids, without much of a plan at all. We had a few things we wanted to see/do while we were there, but we didn't have hotel reservations or an agenda. We had a BLAST! The South Dakota vacation is just the tip of the iceberg. I never used to plan meals, shopping, chores, bill paying, working out, etc. Maybe I get some sort or rush or satisfaction for figuring things out on the fly. Whatever the reason, that's how I (used to) roll.

So, back to the "plan" for the weekend. I thought about some things we could do, some things I have been meaning to do but haven't gotten around to. My husband bought me a commercial grade Kitchen Aid mixer for Christmas. Besides whipping up coconut oil body lotion, I had not used it. What a terrible waste. I gave the book that came with the mixer to my 9 year old culinary genius daughter and told her to pick a recipe for us to make. Brilliant idea on my part. We'd have something yummy to eat and she and we would get to spend some good old quality time together in the kitchen. She picked an apple cake with creamy caramel frosting. Good enough. We planned to make the cake sometime on Saturday.

Saturday morning rolled around. The mail came. My husbands paycheck arrived! This meant I could go to the next town over and go shopping! No, that's not what that meant. Not anymore. My heart sank just a little bit.  Adjustments, I'm making them.

Our daughter went to play at the neighbors house. My husband and I agreed to go to Goodwill and the grocery store. He needed some pants to wear to the gym, and I wanted to make granola and needed a few things for that. So, off we went! We came home with the items we needed and not much more. Success!

The day moved on and I busied myself with housework. There's never a shortage of that! My daughter decided to stay extra long at her friends, and the apple cake never got made. That's ok! There's always tomorrow.

I think I can squeeze baking into my pre-planned Sunday. Coupon clipping, meal preparing, treadmill running, house cake eating? That is if everything goes as plannned.... ;)

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