Thursday, January 17, 2013

Day 17 - Grocery Store Blues

Ugh. The grocery store is getting me down. I'm really feel like struggling with keeping our food costs down. Maybe I'm being too hard on myself, I don't know.

I know I've done a good job at sticking to the menu we've planned, and using leftovers or food I already had on hand. We haven't eaten out once, and I've still been spending $20 a day, or every other day, just for the "essentials".

Monday we had Chili and Cornbread for dinner. I had all of the ingredients for the chili on hand (a by product of the "CANTASTIC" sale), but needed buttermilk for the cornbread. I know I went to the store for that, and ended up buying buttermilk, milk, coffee creamer and cheese. Dairy, anyone? I bought two packages of shredded cheese because I had a coupon for $0.75 off of two, and I had a coupon for $1 off of the creamer. I forgot to use the coupons. Stupid, yes, but I'm new to this. I'm estimating all of that cost $14. However, I'll already have buttermilk next time around, because I discovered I can freeze it, and we only ate half of the cornbread I made, so I froze the other half.

Tuesday we ate chicken pot pie for dinner. I had left over chicken in the freezer, vegetables in the fridge and I made the crust, BUT,  I had to go to the store for chicken broth and Crisco. If memory serves me correctly, I also bought lunch meat and sliced cheese for the husband, and tea. I bought 6 cans of chicken broth because they were on sale 3 for $2. Trying to think ahead! That trip probably cost $25.

Wednesday I made bbq ribs, macaroni and cheese and applesauce. I already had all of those things in the house, but had to go to the store at the last minute because I underestimated how much bbq sauce I had. $3.

Tonight I decided to stray from "the plan" and we had nachos. I had to go to the store for a fresh tomato, lettuce, green onion, taco seasoning, chips and sour cream. A few other items and $25 later, we had dinner. And yogurt, and bananas, and more milk...

Sigh. I don't feel like I'm getting the hang of it. The only two coupons I had for the things I was going to buy I didn't use. I still went to the store each of the last four days.This feels like a loss.

Also, we haven't really been finding coupons for grocery items will seem to make a significant dent in our grocery bill.

I'd be grateful for any helpful tips or suggestions you might have for me when heading to the grocery store! Help a sister out?

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