Thursday, February 14, 2013

Day 45 - Happy Frugal Valentines Day!

Consumerism is in the air, everywhere I look around...

Today is Valentines Day, or Hallmark Day, or Nobody Gets Out Happy Day. I heard on the radio this morning that this holiday is rarely good for anyone. If you have a significant other, people are generally underwhelmed with how their loved one expresses their love. This can cause feelings of resentment and frustration. If you don't have a significant other, you are generally resentful and frustrated that nobody is expressing their love for you in an underwhelming way.

And then there's me.

I use to have grand expectations of how my husband would perform on Valentines Day. After 10 years of marriage I am quite a bit more realistic. In fact, I wouldn't be upset at all if we didn't celebrate this "holiday". It is nice however to show the person that you love that you love them. I try to do this everyday, but on Valentines Day, I just try to be a little more "cute" about it.

In keeping with "The Rules" this year, we didn't go out to our favorite restaurant for dinner. It is surely a mad house anyway and we aren't a fan of crowds. Instead I made dinner at home. No problem! In the spirit of the "holiday", I cut the carrots for the soup into hearts. Cute, huh? (I got the tortellini on sale and with a dollar off coupon. Score!)

Another nod to "The Rules" was my decision to make my husband a gift instead of buying him something that  would be admired then forgotten in a few days. I saw this really neat idea on Pintrest. The holy grail for thrift, crafty chicks like me. It turned out even better than I had hoped. The words on the tree are the lyrics to our wedding song. I searched high and low for my vows and sadly couldn't find them. I'm sure they'll turn up when I least need them. Anyhoo, here's my gift to him. The whole thing cost me less than $10.

Somebody did not follow "The Rules"...this was his gift to me. They're my favorite. My living room smells divine right now. :)

Here's to hoping your Valentines Day was low on the expectations and as high in the payouts as mine was. This girl has a full belly and a full heart. What more could a girl ask for? :)

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