Monday, February 4, 2013

Day 35 - The dirt on getting clean

Our local grocery store does a daily deal for it's Facebook friends. The deals are usually pretty good, but they aren't always things that I use. When there's a good one, I usually hit it up. Shortly before Thanksgiving they had a deal for turkeys for $.39 a pound! I bought two. I still have one in the deep freeze now that I think about it....

Today's Facebook friends deal was 38 double rolls of Charmin Basic toilet paper for $10! What a steal! I usually buy Quilted Northern or Cottonelle for just under $5. I couldn't pass this offer up!

I went to said grocery store. I needed an onion and garlic for dinner anyway. I grabbed my two items and two packages of 16 count toilet paper. I gave the cashier the promo code needed for the savings and my total rang up to $7.35! I figured I had incorrectly read the daily deal as my total was under $10...

When I got home with my 38 rolls of toilet paper I told my husband that I wanted him to go to the store and get two more packages. He did, and his total was $11 and some change. I guess they had made a mistake when they rang me up. Or made a mistake when ringing him up. It was probably a mistake on my total. I'm much cuter than him, the cashier was probably distracted... ;)

So, lets do the math here. I got 76 rolls of toilet paper for about $16. Had I purchased 76 rolls of my usual toilet paper at approx. $4.90 for 6 rolls I would have spent $62!!! That's a $46 saving over time!

Now, I just need to figure out where I'm going to store 76 rolls of toilet paper...

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