Sunday, December 23, 2012

Why would anyone do this?

So I jumped in feet first. That's part of who I am. When I get an idea in my head I run, really fast with it. This is no different.

But, why? 

Why would I subject myself, my (willing) husband and my (unwilling) kids to this kind of fiscal lock down? 

There are two reasons that make me think this is a great idea.

1. How awesome would it be to be 38 years old and not have a mortgage? Not too many people can say they are in that situation. I love to be unique. I love to be able to say I have achieved something different than other people. Self serving? Totally. I'm cool with that.

2. Paying off our house means that my incredible husband does not have to work so hard to give us the great life that he does. His job is very physically demanding. He has been doing it for 20 years. It is starting to take a toll on him. If buckling down over the next year means that he can work part time, or take a different, lower paying job, then I'm all for it. I love him. I'd like to have him around and in good working order for as long as possible. See, this part is redemption for the self serving part above. 

Both of the reasons listed above are good for us. They are good for our family. That's all that really matters in the end, right?

I shall repeat this to myself.

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